The Exinda Network Orchestrator: Your New, Must-Have Solution

Controlling how devices, users, and applications behave on your network can be challenging, yet it is a necessary ongoing task to ensure your network is performing at an optimal level. Recreational traffic can slow your bandwidth speed, which causes frustration with other end-users. Realistically, companies often utilize several different solutions to control their issues. Did you know it only takes one, though?

Explore the Network Orchestrator 

User expectations have been rising; they want to access wireless from any location, use their own devices for work or school-related purposes, and use problem-free applications 24/7. The Exinda Network Orchestrator was developed from the ground up to assist network managers in meeting these increased expectations. Traditional WAN solutions typically address application performance individually, whereas the Network Orchestrator takes an all-encompassing approach that offers shaping, acceleration, and diagnostics in one easy to use solution.

What Can the Network Orchestrator Give Your Organization?

Real-time monitoring: Network problems can occur anytime, and it is critical they are fixed quickly so operations can continue. This is where real-time monitoring comes in handy. Instead of learning about issues after the fact, the real-time monitoring system allows you to see the health of your network right now. You can see how your business applications are performing, as well as the amount of bandwidth consumed by all users, applications, devices, and locations at once.

Interactive analytics: What to better understand the health of your network? Interactive analytics can help with that. Analyze, inspect, and troubleshoot application traffic at layer seven. Then, model and interact with your new data to see what can be improved on to make your network healthier. The dashboard that accompanies the analytics are intuitive and aide users in visualizing network activities.

Policy based shaping: Are you having trouble controlling bandwidth hogs who are slowing your network down? Fix that problem fast. With policy based shaping, your can prioritize how and when users, websites, and applications consume bandwidth on the network. If you need to, you can also control bandwidth usage by user, location, or department by using the integration with Active Directory.

Predictive recommendations: When you use Exinda’s Recommendation Engine, you can quickly identify problems that can impact your business before they become troublesome. This engine is programmed to study patterns and trends in your network and make suggestions to improve network performance and repair issues.

Purpose built reports: Gathering the right data to combine neatly into one report can be a time-consuming process. When you have the Network Orchestrator, you can take advantage of an entire library of reports that are designed to address the most critical issues network managers deal with. Access a catalogue of reports for application performance, network governance, and WAN planning.

Application acceleration: Meet high user expectations by ensuring your strategic business applications always deliver the best experience. Exinda’s acceleration capabilities guarantee business applications are always fully functional.

Multiple solutions—and their maintenance—have a way of sucking valuable time from your hectic day. Downsizing to one solution, such as Exinda’s Network Orchestrator, will make several aspects of your job easier by maintaining a healthy and productive network.


Exinda Readiness Assessment Solution Brief

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