IT Myth Busting: The Fallacies Behind Next-Gen Endpoint Protection

Many online assets and critical business information are stored in the cloud for easy access, and easy access they are. If they aren’t protected, along with your endpoints and network, your company is a huge target for hackers, viruses, and other online threats. To effectively protect what matters most to your company, you need strong, reliable security measures.

Next-gen endpoint protection is the latest—and supposedly greatest—security measure a company can use to protect themselves. These products have strongly differentiated themselves from traditional models that now lack the ability to safeguard assets against sophisticated threats.

Myths about Next-Gen Endpoint Protection 

With next-gen endpoint security at the top of many minds, information is running wild. What do you believe, and what’s to be ignored? Well, we’ll tell you what’s what.

4) Vendors who offer next-gen protection are risky: Many think only risky start-ups offer this kind of IT solution because they are the ones making the most marketing noise right now. While it may seem like this product is only associated with the smaller guys, it’s not. Experienced and trusted IT vendors, like Fortinet and Cylance, offer quality and affordable next-gen endpoint protection products, too.

Read More: Where You Should Look for Your Next-Generation Firewall

3) Your IT solution only needs to prevent threats: That’s like only saying your car just needs to start. It doesn’t have to get you anywhere. It takes a combination of parts and tools for a vehicle to take you to a different location. It takes a combination of IT products to ensure you’re fully protected. You need tools to not only prevent threats but to detect them and recover if they should be encountered. One hundred percent threat detection requires the teamwork and intelligence sharing of several security layers.

2) Next-gen solutions deliver amazing protection: A lot of vendors who offer this type of IT solution say this, but it’s only marketing hype designed to attract attention. If the solution is tested by the vendor, the results are remarkably good. However, when these products were tested by reputable, independent organizations, the results fall flat and left something to be desired.

1) Next-gen endpoint protection is machine learning: Machine learning is quite tremendous in both its benefits and capabilities, but next-gen endpoint protection isn’t completely machine learning. It possesses some form of it but isn’t entirely made of artificial intelligence. This cool feature excels at blocking threats hidden in executable files but struggles trying to detect threats in non-executable files. Different threats require different protection techniques, and while machine learning can prevent some cyber threats, it can’t prevent all. Other techniques like behavioural analysis and application control need to work in conjunction with machine learning to provide the best protection, so, in a nutshell, next-gen endpoint protection is not totally machine learning.

If you’re looking for a next-gen endpoint protection solution, make sure you know exactly what that entails. If you’ve been hoodwinked into believing it does something that it can’t, it’s best to know that now before you buy it.


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