7 Day Assessment: Free Insight into Your Network and IT Security

Knowing about IT security concerns is one thing, but actually safeguarding your network from them is another. However, you can’t do the latter without the former. You can’t effectively protect your network and devices from every single threat out there. You need to know what the highest risk to your IT infrastructure is.

Every organization, enterprise, and institution should have a full idea of the risks that could affect them, their vulnerabilities, and their web usage. With this valuable information at hand, they can further the business and take proactive measures to ensure no (or very little) online harm comes to them. To learn of this information, all you have to do is get your network assessed by an experienced IT security team. ACSI will do it for you for free.

The Free ACSI 7-Day Network and IT Security Assessment

Fortinet cyber security

We know that IT security is intrinsically linked to the overall strength of a company or organization. We want to help you acknowledge, plan, and prepare for any online threats or setbacks. That’s why we have a free 7-day assessment to give you a full report on the state of your business’s online security problems.

Our assessment looks at four different areas of your network: security and threat prevention, web usage, network utilization, and user productivity. Our assessment can help your administrators identify high-risk applications quickly and make better decisions regarding your application control policies. It will also show you the most popular websites your staff or students like to frequent.

When it comes to security and threat prevention, we’ll identify high-risk applications that could be a threat to your operations. In our report, they’ll be sorted by risk level and sessions. You’ll also receive information about your application vulnerability exploits, sorted by severity and count. At-risk devices and hosts will also be determined, letting you know they should be audited thoroughly for malware and IPS susceptibility. Finally, we’ll scan for instances of malware, botnets, and spyware.

Next, we’ll look at your web usage to discover your company’s web browsing habits, which can be indicative of inefficient optimization of web filtering policies. The information can also assist in better defining corporate compliance guidelines. ACSI will record your top web categories, top web application, and top web domains.

Related: IT Mistakes You Need to Fix Before They Cost You

Learn About Your User Activity on Your Network

It’s critical to know whether or not your business is properly utilizing the network it runs on. In our final report, it will contain information about the average CPU usage by hour, along with the average memory usage by hour. ACSI charts will show you at what time each usage is highest and lowest.

Finally, specific information regarding user productivity will be disclosed—something every business wants to know more about. Learn whether gaming applications are being used, along with video streaming applications and social media applications. ACSI will tell you how much bandwidth they consume, so you can limit their scope or block them entirely.

ACSI’s free 7-day assessment is invaluable to corporations and institutions alike. 

Fortinet cyber security

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