Cyber Security Threats for SMB

Ransomware, cyberattacks, phishing schemes, and the Internet of Things (IoT) just some of the cybersecurity threats posed to small businesses. With cybersecurity becoming an area of increasing concern for SMBs, companies need to learn ways to protect themselves, their employees, and their files.

Many small businesses believe that they do not need to be concerned with cybersecurity threats because they don’t have much to steal. Unfortunately, this is incorrect.

The majority of cyber-attacks occur to obtain personal data to use in credit card or identity theft. While larger enterprises typically have more data to steal, they also have more secure networks. Small businesses have less secure networks that are much easier to breach.

In the 2017 study that was sponsored by Keeper Security and independently conducted by Ponemon Institute LLC, discovered that only 21 per cent of the companies in the study rated their ability to mitigate cyber risks, vulnerabilities, and attacks as highly effective. The study also found that out of the participating companies, 61% experienced cyber-attacks in the 2017 fiscal year.

Cyberattacks against small businesses

In fact, in 2015, the U.S Congressional Small Business Committee found that 71 per cent of cyber-attacks happened at businesses with less than 100 employees.

SMBs are targeted not only because their servers are easier to breach but also because they usually do not have comprehensive security policies in place.

Cybercriminals also target small businesses because they lack the time, budget, or expertise to implement comprehensive security defenses. Also, most SMBs do not have a dedicated IT security specialist to monitor and control breaches.

IoT and BYOD have caused the attack surface to change

With the Internet of Things (IoT) and the bring your own device (BYOD) trends growing, small businesses need to be aware of the security threats that they bring with them.

Related: Prepare Your Company’s Toolkit To Survive Ransomware

Here are some ways that you can protect your small business from cyber threats:

  • Use a firewall
  • Document your cybersecurity policies
  • Plan for mobile devices, educate all employees
  • Enforce safe password practices
  • Regularly back up all data
  • Install anti-malware software
  • Use multifactor identification

Using cybersecurity software that can run automatic updates is an added layer of defense for your SMB. These will keep all of your devices and gadgets up-to-date and fully protected.

A data security breach can put a company out of business or create unbudgeted costs. Keeping up to date with the latest and greatest security software can be hard to manage when you are busy with other tasks.

ACSI is the solution.

ACSI is your one-stop solution for all of your SMB cybersecurity needs. We will provide your business with the security measures that it requires, so you can focus on growing your business.

ACSI will provide a comprehensive security solution that includes, but is not limited to, network security, secure Wi-Fi, cloud security, and endpoint security. We will give your small business the tools it needs to protect itself against any cyber threat.

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